It took basically 3 years for my fiancé to figure out that I was going to drown if he didn’t help me…it was getting bad…He’s stepped up. As for your ppd and ppa, I have found journaling, learning techniques to calm myself, & taking ashwaganda has helped me a lot w stress and anxiety. Feel free to message me if you’d like.
I dont think your husband realizes AT ALL the stress, demands and pressure that is on you daily. I think he should absolutely step up more- working or not. My husband is in the trades, gone at 5am daily sometimes 4am, home in the evenings and helps with the kids. You are not getting a break from the home or kids so your checked out, over stimulated, burnt out. You need a break. I suggest leaving the kids with your husband for a weekend- Saturday and Sunday. See how he's feeling by the end of Sunday. You express over & over and nothing changes or changes for a short amount of time, with time resent will start to build up towards him if it already hasn't. Getting pregnant so soon and then engaged /married wouldn't even allow you to get to know your husband properly! and with kids- no matter how good the kids are, your relationship and dynamic of relationship changes. He needs to get off his phone and start being engaged with his children when he comes home and ask you- how are you? Do you need anything?
Do you think its possible that maybe he also has depression and he is not seeing the full picture? Maybe talk to him about his phone addiction (he may be using his phone to evade his mind from being anxious or depressed) Try to have a calm conversation about it, aknowledge his work and him supporting the family, but also bring up that you need him to be there for you too, that you also need some breaks to breathe, shower, sit for a coffee and do other stuff…. I think you are going through a hard time but you guys are still on time to fix. You can also ask him about his state of mind, ask him if he may be depressed
I relate. We moved fast too. 8 months dating I became pregnant. We are engaged now and our son is 3. Kids change relationships, it changes your dynamic completely. You haven’t done anything wrong. You may feel like you’re in the roommate stage, and it sounds like you’re carrying the mental load of the household as well. It’s important to remember your job is just as important if not more, just because you don’t bring in money and it’s hard to see the progress being made because he isn’t around to see all the things you do, does not lessen the load or hard work you put in. Perhaps you need to sit and have a heart to heart. Tell him you’re mentally drowning. Tell him you feel disconnected from him and like you aren’t getting the support you need to make sure you stay healthy. If you aren’t mentally healthy , you cannot function well enough for your kids and partner. That’s just what it is. It’s hard for our partners to grasp that I think.