Baby milestones

Hello Ladies My Lg was born on the 15th of aug and I’m curious to know what milestones you’re babies have reached so far ? Also i know all babies progress at a different rates Thank for any replies xx
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My little girl was born 16/08 and she’s found her voice she screams all day🤣she loves to sit up and stand up with help but I’m really struggling with getting her to roll over as she hates tummy time. She loves her jumperoo & her toys too x

Hi I had my twins on 5 th on August they are 5 months 1 week old now ...but they were born at 34 weeks Twin 1 can : Smile, laugh, grasp toys , roll back to front ( but not front to back) , sit with support , blow raspberries , struggles to self soothe Twin 2: can smile, laugh, coo and repeat back noises, unable to roll at all even with encouragement. Can sit with support but very unbalanced, can grasp toys , self sooths very easily

I had my daughter on 1st August and she can: Smile Laugh Coo Babble (, babababa, gagaga, dadadad). Does not stop making noise Roll both ways (prefers back to front) Sit unaided (for up to 5 mins development in past few days) Reaches for objects well and brings to mouth Blow raspberries Scoot sideways like a crab on her back

I had my girl 30th August. So far she is: Cooing still and other strange noises, leaning how to squeal though which is fun 🫠 Grabbing toys with one or both hands and bringing them to her mouth Good head control and can sit up with support Giggling and smiling more Hates strangers now, and has become really clingy to me when people she doesn’t know well are around her. Hands in mouth constantly and shoving her fingers down her throat😂 Blowing raspberries and dribbling all over herself She is trying to roll belly to back but she just wobbles from side to side and growls, then cries cause she can’t do it🤣 absolutely no sign of going back to belly as she isn’t a tummy time fan, so instead she arches her back and tips her head back to see what’s behind her 🤣

My son was born 28th August; Smiles Laughs Loves tummy time Is trying to roll but can’t quite get there yet Makes noises Grasp toys Constantly has hands in his mouth Has two bottom teeth coming through

My girl was born 26th She babbles constantly Blows raspberries Chews on everything inc her own hands Grabs at toys with one/both hands Loves tummy time Rolls front to back and has rolled back to front on three occasions Smiles and laughs a lot Plays with feet when lying on her back She likes to stand with support She hasn’t shown much interest in sitting

I had my son on 5th August at 36 plus 2. He can make a lot of noise and does that most of the day, grasp things with both hands and bring them to mouth. Sit up with support, push up with his legs say he is on the floor and using something to push against, smile, laugh, begging to roll back to front but cannot roll fully yet. Does not enjoy being on tummy what so ever due to reflux, very good head control has been front facing in carrier for about 5 weeks. Recognises voices and faces of people he knows, is wary of those he doesn't know and seeks approval of primary care giver. Able to self soothe and get himself back to sleep, though would need soothing if he was extremely upset obviously. All I can think of

@Chloe this is meee ! I been trying to do the excercises but he just doesn’t wanna move 😂😂

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