Squatty potty or a stool to put feet on, I got a prescription steroid cream if they flare and bleed. Peri bottle, witch hazel pads for itching. I as well have had them a long time and prior to getting pregnant so i am just playing the managing game :) oh and warm baths or sitz baths with epsom salt.
@Sarah this was so helpful! Thank you ♥️♥️
@Christina🤱🏼🍂☕️♈️ try some of the tips Sarah listed! 🫶🏾
Witch hazel never worked for me. I’ve tried it. I have a squatty potty and bathe in warm baths as often as I can. I’ve tried it all. Trust me. I’m at the point of getting them surgically removed and finding the root cause for my chronic constipation/diarrhea. I’ve changed my diet completely too.
I’ve had them my entire life and nothing helps. I soak in the tub mostly and take colace