Is that cause they moved around a lot in their sleep or just your personal preference?
We cosleep and have introduced one, did the same with my eldest. We rearrange the duvet as needed. If they are cold they will wake us.
I’m going to introduce one this week although I have noticed because we Co sleep she’s moving around a lot lately but trying anything to get her in her own bed before the new arrival so turning her cot into a cot bed as she won’t sleep in her cot 🫣
I don’t in his bed but if he comes in ours first thing before we get up I cover him over with the duvet for him to get used to it a bit. He tends to sleep sideways at the bottom of his cot so I won’t do a duvet yet until he stays put in the middle
Thanks for the responses everyone! My and my LO don't cosleep so I'm having to base this off what I see in the monitor through the night which becomes pretty hard to gauge. At the minute she's in a sleeping bag. When I put a blanket over the top of her as well. She stays pretty still all night. When she doesn't have the blanket on and just her sleeping bag, she's everywhere. Don't know what she'd be like with no sleeping bag and just a duvet. A bit scared to try but I think she m8ght prefer it if she's good with a blanket
@Chiara I’m too scared to do it that young encase they suffocate but I know they say 1+. It’s just for me I only feel comfortable once it’s converted to a cotbed.
@lesley, when you say a cotbed, do you mean like with the sides off?
Yes. The cot I have only one side comes off to convert it to a cot bed. I know my LO isn’t ready for the cotbed. I’m sure I am being OTT but it is something I’m paranoid about.
Yeh we started co sleeping when we transferred to the cot she was a dream in her next to me and it got to a point where I was like I need sleep so was my only choice as she screams when in her cot. I think it’s the bars so that’s why we decided to make it in to a cot bed and then I’m putting like padded gym mats on the floor in case she rolls out. Till I feel confident that she can climb out her self if needed.
@Siobhan ohh I hope that makes a difference for you!
Me too as I really can’t be co sleeping when the next arrives in a couple of weeks 😅
My LG is the same so no duvet for a long time as she moves around all over the place 😅
With my first I didn’t introduce a duvet until 2 when I converted the bed to a cotbed.