Weight gain / EBF

EBF mamas, how much has your baby gained over the past month? I’m worried about my baby’s weight gain as she’s slowed down a fair bit and dropped percentiles. She does sleep through the night now and is also teething. I’ve introduced a night feed (though it irks me to wake her when she’s sleeping so well) the past week or so since I found out and I am trying to feed her as much as possible during the day without her being on me all day. She is also teething at the moment so is fussy on the boob anyway, it could be that. I’m just so worried that it’s me and my supply and feel like a failure. She is a happy and healthy girl otherwise, is laughing, smiling lots and holding her head up well. Super chatty and coo-ey. I feel she’s thriving in her development otherwise but I’m now worried she isn’t getting enough milk from me or my supply isn’t sufficient.
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Our little one is the same, EBF and dropped from 50th to 25th line. We were at the doctors for our 12week injections and they didn’t seem too concerned, our LO has reflux so was given gaviscon and will then just be weighed again at 16weeks. Has definitely made me worry more but she’s still putting on weight just not as much. She’s a lot more active with kicking her legs etc and sleeping through the night, doctor said not to worry about waking her

My little girl was born 9lb 2 and is now 12lb 7, i worry all the time if she’s getting enough milk as she’s breastfed too. So i bought baby scales and weigh her weekly, she’s slowly gaining every week but only in small increments, i think as long as there’s plenty of wet and dirty nappies there’s no need to worry xx

My babies the same. Health visitor said they can go up two lines or down two lines and it’s fine. She’s such a happy and content baby with plenty nappies I’m really trying not to worry too much about it. It’s really hard not to worry though. I just see it that’s she’s still growing and content just to her own line!

Thanks ladies xx It is hard not to worry isn’t it. Esp when you can’t see how much milk they are actually drinking! I did buy some scales too @Carol and can see she is gaining albeit not as much as dr google says (prob not the best source to use 😂). I’m worried about seeing the HV as I’m expecting them to say I need to give her formula which I want to avoid. Will continue to monitor her and hope the feeding gets better once her teeth break through and that helps with more weight gain.

Yes my little girl last Saturday was 5.65kg and this morning was 5.77kg, so only going up slightly, but i keep telling myself at least it’s going up. She has her next injections on thursday so i may ask them to weigh her then and see where she is on the graph.

I could have wrote this myself. My little boy is 13 weeks and was born on the 50th centile, and is now down to the 9th. He feeds constantly has a great latch and my supply is great, but I am really worried about the drop in centiles and not being where you’d expect. He is the happiest boy ever and until we had him weighed I’d have thought he was putting on much more than he is! It’s really upset me and I’ve been super critical that the quality of my milk isn’t good enough. I think I’m more worried about the health visitor trying to push me to use formula than anything because my boy is genuinely the happiest little guy ever, he seems completely satisfied despite not packing on the pounds. No advice other than I completely understand 💗

I need to check my girl next week, she's already a small baby on the 11th percentile and I dont really know what to do if she drops even lower than that... She's also been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now

18th Dec: 4.9kg 9th Jan: 5.6kg Steady gain

I had the same worries as my little one is gaining but dropped percentiles before Christmas. HV said to get her weighed and we’d discuss in the new year. I stressed and cried, woke her up to feed etc…HV still hasn’t called. The BF support group I went to said to try it to worry. Gaining is gaining and if their nappies are still plentiful, then they’re getting what they need. Every baby is different so plotting them on a one size fits all graph is less than helpful. I’m sure you’re smashing it 💜

@Chloe ❤️ sounds so similar, and you are doing a great job. Some babies are just not big babies I guess! Xx

@Rachel it’s so stressful isn’t it… you sound like an amazing mama. Keep doing what you’re doing xx

Weighed her today 18th Dec: 4.52 kg 15th January: 5.29 kg Went up several percentile actually, I always stress about it too 🫠 i think mine started small and now she's catching up

@Julia amazing! Great job mama. Have you been trying to give extra feeds?

Thank you! I always topped her up with expressed milk ever since the tongue tie but now she's drinking on her own more effectively and I've cut down (from 240ml per day to around a 100ml now and slowly stopping)

@Julia when you say top up, what do you mean? Give a bottle straight after she’s come off the breast? Or extra feeds inbetween from a bottle? X

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@Chloe Yes we gave expressed milk in a bottle after a feeding session at the breast (40-60ml at a time), while I was also pumping 4x per day to increase my supply x

@Chloe it worked really well for us, if you're worried you could try. It will only increase your supply but I should warn you, pumping is a nightmare. Now after 2.5 months of doing it I'm finally dropping them. I've now got an oversupply and absolutely no stress over producing enough for my baby. Protect your mental health and choose what's best!

@Julia that’s my worry, I have a great supply already and have already had mastitis once and blocked ducts several times so the thought of pumping more regularly than once a night which is what I do currently sounds like a mare!! Thanks for the info lovely, I keep hearing the top it up phrase and never knew quite what it meant! X

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