Thankyou so much ☺️ I'll get his nap in between now and 5pm...that way he would have been up for 3hr 40. Lately I've been struggling massively with his sleep at night and he's been awful with day naps...really short 30 mins each nap. I hope your little ones sleep improves 🤍🙏🤗
Yeah even if you have to force it I would. We call the pram the ‘magic pram’ coz she goes to sleep right away in it lol we just shove her in with her dummy and comforter and pull the hood up and she’s away 🤣 xx
I love that 🤣 he used to but he even fights that, apart from if I feed him close to sleep then take him out for a walk in the pram to sleep but that is usually 30 mins later xx
See we do a later nap in afternoon. Down between 2/2:30-4:30 and then bed by 7:30/8
Thankyou so much 🤗 in the end he went down at 5pm and woke up at 5.40pm. So will do bedtime between 8.45 and 9.15pm today
If we skip 2nd nap I don't do an earlier bedtime as we stick to routine and she'll sleep 8.30pm as usual and sleep through the night although the last couple of nights bedtime has been a struggle and as late as after 11 !
Ohhhh gosh sending you so much strength...that's tough! 🤍 I feel as if my lo atm is having loads of ups and downs regarding his sleep in's so tough. Yesterday he napped very late 5pm, but as always super short 30mins then bed was 9pm. Did okay throughout the night...2 wakeups. Today completely different coz of his wake time of 7.30am, so 2nd nap was 3pm-3.30 and bedtime 7.30pm today but he's woken up after 40mins and difficult to settle
So we do nap at some point until 2pm and then again 4-5 then bed at 8. Yesterday was horrendous. Didn’t nap til 2 -3 so tried to sack the last nap off and put her to bed at 7 instead of 8 coz she was shattered. But then because she missed the last bottle she woke up at 8:30 for it and didn’t go back till 11.