This is the nipple cream
If you're in the U.S. and have insurance. Most insurances will pay for one. Qualify for a Free Breast Pump Through Insurance | Aeroflow Breastpumps That's the site I used to get mine, but there are other ones.
The nuliie s32 was like £50/60 for the pair and the best set I’ve tried out of 5 diff pumps now! Plus customer service was fab. My motor started making a weird noise. Still worked but weird noise. They replaced BOTH entire pumps motor and parts for free and let me keep the old ones too. They’re fab x
@Alarna I looked at the Hakka with my daughter will definitely get it this time, I got nursing bras with my daughter but they came after my milk stopped, thank you so much will get some of that cream also xx
@Boo in the uk :( thank you though xx
I first started just using a Haaka on the opposite breast when baby fed to catch any let down but now I use the Momaini wearable breast pump on one side when baby feeds and sometimes in between feeds too. It does the job for me and I can do what I need to do aswell while I pump so I’m not trapped in the sofa (if baby isn’t feeding the opposite side) At the start of my journey my nipples were cracking and bleeding but I used Lansinoh nipple cream (it’s not the cheapest but I’m now 7 months in and still on the same tube I had when baby was born) and it helped so much! Breast pads were and still are so essential for me to use (at the start I leaked 24/7 and I also had to use milk collectors in my bra all the time but now it’s not so much) I’d definitely use loose bras as you don’t want to cut circulation on your milk. There are breast feeding bras available but they can be expensive, I just use normal sports bras (mix between with and without the padding),