Anyone had good success clearing up cradle cap without baby losing much hair? My lil girl has a patch of cradle cap at the top of her head and i don't want it to make her look like an old man 🤣
Our pediatrician recommended baby oil and a fine tooth comb I can’t say much in regard to hair loss but this did quickly clear the dryness! We’ve been using the Honest brand it’s the lavender scented oil or calming oil or something!
@Melanie oh I have one of those silicone scrubbies, I'll give that a try!
Vaseline & a fine toothed baby comb!! Let the Vaseline sit for 15-20 mins, comb, bathe and then comb again!
Our pediatrician recommended baby oil and a fine tooth comb I can’t say much in regard to hair loss but this did quickly clear the dryness! We’ve been using the Honest brand it’s the lavender scented oil or calming oil or something!