We have 3 kids eldest with high needs autism and a 2 year old he doesnt bother with the other two only my 6 year old i have told him a consistent day/night needs to be arranged but hes only interested in 6 year old he even dropped sweets into the garden ‘for 6 year old’ not not the other two and dad also said son also said i was hitting eldest child!!!! Its a mess 💔
We split due to Domestic violence
Stop contact is extreme in my opinion.. a conversation is to be had with your son and your ex.
If you split because of DV this sounds more like a continuation of manipulative behaviour on his part. I’d ask why he lied and tell him that it’s inappropriate because your child needs to feel like they can always be honest with you. Do it in messages so you can keep copies of everything. I think your next move really depends on his reaction to what you ask. Please don’t challenge or threaten him at all with anything unless you know you’re safe from him. Especially given the history you mention.
I don't know if I'd go straight to no contact but I'd have a massive conversation with his dad about lying and keeping secrets and how it's unacceptable and let your son know it's not acceptable too x