Weaning journey

So I have started our weaning journey with vegetables. My daughter gags and throws up at everything. So I decided to offer her fruit today cause it’s a bit sweeter and I thought she might like it. She gagged at the apple and threw up when she tried a bit of banana. Am I doing something wrong? She does not seem to like anything at all. My mom keeps saying “she almost 7 months, she should be eating and liking the food”. I’ve tried to explain to her that the even though the recommended age to start weaning is 6 months that doesn’t mean the baby is ready. Do you think this is the case? Maybe she’s not ready? I’ve also tried offering her solid food as well as purées. Nothing worked. So far we have tried: broccoli, normal potato, sweet potato, banana and apple. As well as banana pancakes and some broccoli recipe I saw on TikTok.
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Gagging during weaning is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried about. It’s just the food stimulating her gag reflex and getting used to how much food she’s able to hold in her mouth. Throwing up can just be because her gag reflex has been stimulated too much. It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like the food, just that she’s getting used to something other than milk Some babies are more sensitive to gagging when weaning but don’t let it discourage you. It should calm down xx

My baby vomited and gagged at food until she was almost 8 months and then something switched in her brain and the the gagging was non-existant and now she is almost a year and doesn't do it at all anymore and eats well. We just kept offering and when she would put a big bite in, let her work it out herself as much as possible

Honestly all babies go at their own pace.Some take to weaning quicker than others.some like purees, some don't & then there's regressions, teething sickness all sorts that throw a spanner in the works! Even if your baby is gagging, keep offering food every day - consistency is key. Offer a variety but also repeat previous foods even if she hasn't seemed to like it at first. My baby only liked certain veg after the 4/5th time, she still doesn't lke potato!?!? Lol😲 also mine would gag a lot too as we went straight to purees. Eventually she's got the hang of chewing but occasionally gags still. If you think about it going from liquid milk to a foreign solid in your mouth and strange textures is a lot for them to handle. I started weaning at 6 months & it took about 8-10 weeks before she actually started to eat more than she spit out/dropped on the floor. Shed only eat tomatoes, citrus fruits & bread for ages. Not to scare you! As not all babies take that long but just to say hang in there it will get better 💜

Thank you for your comments and suggestions ladies! 🤍

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