Bad birth put you off

Anybody have a bad birth [forceps/episiotomy/tear] and it put them off. I'm 2year posy partum with haemorroids and anal fissure. The pain is bad. It's put me off even though I would want another. I also had bad pregnancy with sickness đŸ˜Ș
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Yeah I had a traumatic birth with forceps and episiotomy x2 and it really made me scared for a 2nd but I had another baby who is now 9 months old. My birth went so smooth, she came out straight away and no cuts needed etc x

my first experience was really bad, bad hospital, bad labour etc. however, i changed hospitals & did a hypnobirthing course which helped me change my mindset/opinion on labour completely. it made me feel more in control, that i have a choice and decide what happens with my body. i know you can’t predict your labour experience but going into it positive (&delusional😂) will help you go into the labour experience with a better mindset so i guess in some way that can affect how you feel about whatever the outcome will be. i know first time mums really tend to have bad experiences in the beginning but just want to say they’re not always going to be the same & things can be better the next time đŸ€

I had a bad first experience too, cuts, very long etc etc. Second time round I was in labour for 4 hours total and had a water birth with no intervention. Don't write it off as it might go differently next time.

I didn’t have a bad 1st birth but was induced which I said I wouldn’t do again as felt extremely artificial and wanted to see what my body did, 2nd birth which was 2 days before her 2nd birthday I went from 1cm to 8cm in a hour and pushed him out breech within 30mins on only gas and air with no cuts or stitches I didn’t need them with either births I highly recommend the 3 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day and 4 majool dates it’s known to strengthen everything up don’t there. I now have a fissure which I did get 8 weeks after with both births and my god is it painful now it’s like a razor blade! What do you do to treat it?

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