Also, fed is best and absolutely nothing wrong with formula 💗 you've got to do what is best for you both x
Well done you!! 1 for breastfeeding for 2 months, and 2 for doing what's best for both of you! 2 months is amazing good job 😊 He's adorable btw x
You have done amazing. I never managed to breast feed. My girl had a very thick posterior tongue tie which was diagnosed late and by that point she had develop too many bad habits and never latched on well even after a frenulotomy. I pumped and pumped and then my milk supply started disappearing and it was so sad and emotional…. I couldn’t do it anymore. I am still emotional about it but my girl is thriving. And the best thing about it all? I finally had time to cuddle her and just sit with her and love her the way I couldn’t when I was constantly attached to a pump or washing bottles.
Well done!! Congratulations on all your efforts, you’re doing amazing!!! I am comb feeding and have low supply, I feel you!!
Well done!!!!!!
Good job mom. I couldn’t make it to even 1 month
Well done . I made it to 10 weeks with one rubbish boob . I combined fed from 3 days in as my supply was late then low . Now formula all the way. As a single mum I can’t sustain the pumping to maintain the supply .
Well done for making it 2 months!! That's amazing and any amount of breast milk is so beneficial for baby , you must be really proud 💕 he's sooo cute, makes me broody haha x