I can’t remember exactly how long, but I promise it does stop😂
Yes omg!! I didn’t have this issue before ever but now my son is 4 months and my hair is falling out by the clumps in the shower! I wake up and it’s everywhere!!! Ughh please stop 🤬😭
It took around 4 months to stop falling out loads when I had my son in September 2023. It does eventually stop, expect it gets worse before though
I think the peak is like 4 months and it mostly stops by 6 months.
My hair is everywhere
Yesss I have soooo much falling out 😭
I've had 4 kids and can honestly say post partum hairloss is real and it carries on for a good 6 months after it starts coming out. It's why you end up with short wisps everywhere
It almost looks like i have bangs now and i didnt cut my hair 🤣
I think last time for me it was worst at around 4 months and then much better by 6 months and back to normal by 8 months. Apparently it’s just the shedding of the hair you didn’t shed during pregnancy but I don’t know how true that is.
I didn’t notice my hair falling out at first. Now I’m nearly 4month pp, it’s worse than ever! One pass with the hair brush and I have a clump. I’m lucky it’s not noticeable on my head because I have lots of hair but I’m just constantly finding my hair everywhere xx
It's horrible, I got my hair cut short especially so I wouldn't notice is so much this time. But from my understanding it's just losing the hair that didn't fall out during pregnancy so you should still have a normal amount of hair again after it's fallen out and the normal growing cycle has resumed. My hair dresser said we normally lose about 200 hairs a day... So even if that's only say 6 months of extra hair we have to lose that still 35k + hairs 😳
Yes!!! I literally have tufts at the front 😱😱😱