Thank you that has helped a little
I’m 40 weeks today with my first so haven’t had any prior experience but also so terrified and anxious for what’s to come. I feel like all you see on TikTok etc are horror stories and no one ever tells you any positives ! I know it’ll all be worth it in the end but I can’t help but feel so scared right now !
Have you guys done any hypnobirthing courses? Cannot recommend enough - the positive birth company one was amazing but I’m sure there are lots of great free resources on YouTube
I had a ventouse delivery and episiotomy with my first (and i had sepsis), expected my second to be worse as I was being induced but it was so so so much better! Didn't even have the epidural this time, no idea why I had been so worked up about it. You've got this 😊
I agree with Romy hypnobirthing has been such a great help with fear and seeing birthing as a natural process and not something terrifying. I read the Mongan method book but if you don’t have time at this point to read a book or do a course, i recommend the Gentle Birth pregnancy app. It has a few guided meditations that might help such as Fear Release. Also Freya is another app that you can use during the actual labour with breathing techniques. You got this mama and you can do it x
Thanks I’ll look into these apps
Second labours tend to be quicker and more efficient! I had a 21 hour labour, epidural, drip to keep contractions going etc. the first time around, and had mixed feelings about the experience. This time, sweep at 11am, contractions at home getting regular about 3:30pm, hospital 6pm, baby born 2 and a half hours later all naturally with no pain relief as I just coped with it, moved a lot, did was felt natural and instinctive... I know a lot of women who've had similar experiences of their second labours being a lot swifter and easier! x
@Carla You've got this - after a somewhat traumatising first birth, my second birth was completely different and totally empowering! Your body really knows what to do. Instinctive movements and loud uninhibited noises are your friends xxx
Hey! Just replying to let you know you’re not alone. This is my second and I’m 38+6. I’m also soooo so anxious about going into labour this time. I had an episiotomy and haemorrhaged with my daughter and I’m terrified of the same happening😭 Every twinge or pain is sending me into complete panic. I think we feel this way because we know what’s to come lol but I’m just trying to accept it’ll happen the way it happens! I hear second births are a lot quicker so hopefully it’ll all be over sooner!! Best of luck!X