Honestly it’s the worst isn’t it!! I really was not expecting labour to be like that 😂 for my first I didn’t know what to expect but I didn’t expect pain like that! I thought my back was breaking 😫😩 I couldn’t have pain relief as when I got to the hospital I was already fully dilated they could see her hair so no time for pain relief
It’s horrendous - my back Labour totalled 44 hours. They told me that it might happen but I didn’t expect it to be so hard. Contractions were a relief and I pushed for 20ish minutes
Do you have any advice on coping with labour? My first is due early July and honestly I'm terrified about giving birth ((I read too much for my own good))
@Roberta oh my!!! I absolutely feel for you how you done that for total 44hrs I don’t know!!
omg i’ve never experienced back pain like it. my midwife had a hot water bottle she kept refilling which honestly was a god send! i’d recommend!!
@Bailey sorry don’t want to put you off. Everyone is different though you may go thru labour easy. All I can say is don’t panic when going through contractions just breathe in and out slowly and concentrate on your breathing. I went all night contracting and got to the hospital fully dilated so really the hardest part was done (my opinion) Also listening to music may help take your mind off it! Good luck, wish you all the best 😊
@Hannah I used a hot bean on my back before going to the hospital and it made my waters break😂😂😂 I was so scared cause I was not expecting a pop!😂 but i agree something warm did help for a second lol
I found a TENS machine helped with the back pain a bit. If you want to look into that @Bailey ? Other than that, concentrate on breathing slow through each contraction. You got this!
@Tess thanks, my older sister gave me one that she tried during her labour, she said it didn't do much for her, trouble is I have fibromyalgia so I can have either very reduced sensitivity to pain, or hypersensitivity to pain, I've yet to try it out to see what the sensation of it is but thank you for the advice, I'll give it a try
I had a back labour too. Felt almost nothing in the front but felt like by back was being broken.
@E oh no it's okay, ive always had that fear, like I said I read too much for my own good, thank you for the advice though, I'm sorry that was your experience and hope you're all well now
@Bailey I know that feeling I had read a lot too it’s totally natural when you don’t know what to expect. Thank you all good, the pain completely goes away once pushing baby out. It’s worth it in the end 😊
Back labour is awful, 10x worse than pushing i had it with my 1st baby. Pushing was a relief in fact so yes i hear you 🙈
@E thank you, honestly hearing (well reading) that is reassuring
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All of you with back labour, were your babies back to back? Mine was and I was told that was why I’d had the pain there rather than in my stomach. It felt like somebody was trying to pull my hipbones apart! I laboured for 72 hours with only gas and air for the last 12 and it all ended in an emergency section!
Yes x baby was back to back and they tried turning her as she was on her way out. Big ol’ 3rd degree tear! X
I had this and can totally agree - was worse than the pushing !!!! My baby wasn't back to back - was in the 'correct' position as far I'm aware. I asked for the injection (the one that's not the epidural can't remember it's name) but was too late so absolutely inhaled the gas and air like there was no tomorrow 🤣
Luckily I only had back labor for a couple hours before she flipped but it was a horrible couple hours
@Tess I would just add to this - I think the advice is use it earlier than later. I had back pain and used it and I just ripped it off after tolerating it for 5 minutes. I've saved it though in case it's good for my next
@N 💞 mine wasn’t back to back, was in the correct position 🤷🏾♀️
Yes. My labour was nothing like what I had learned or read about beforehand. All of my contractions were in my back and bum and nothing in my front and the pain continued between contractions even from the very beginning. I found my tens machine really helpful and I used gas and air but didn't find this did anything for the pain just helped as a distraction.
I had back labour with both of mine, started off with back pain then all the contractions were in my bum! Had a long labour with my first, managed around 40 hours with no pain relief before I got an epidural which was great! Second labour my contractions were on and off for a couple of days but very manageable, they then became regular and baby was born around 7 hours later in the birth pool with no other pain relief
@N 💞 no mine were in normal position (although my first had his head at an angle which is why I had to have instrumental delivery). I think it may be something to do with my anatomy as I have a tilted uterus. My mum also had back labour with her 3
Oh my god. It was probably the worst part of it ngl. It doesn't help i broke my back April 2023 but jesus that's where I felt all my contractions It was horrible
I didn't get back pain. I got the hot flushes though. I was going from hot to so cold I was shivering
Back and bum wow, i actually genuinely do not remember the feeling of my contractions i just know they where BAD. I felt a lot of it in my bum i was about an hour in saying i needed to push, i did not need to push i was 3cm dialated it was just in my bum at one point i stripped down to nothing on my bottom half i was adamant my shorts where making the pain worse, it didn't help🤣 I did end up getting the epidural and it was best thing i could have done especially since i had been induced so then forced contractions are NEXT level and i had covid and was very poorly with it so epidural deffo saved me 🤣x
I had my son in September who was back to back, definitely had back labour! It felt as though someone was constantly pushing on my spine 🫠 worth having no pain relief again though I went in at 4cm at 5:30pm and was at 10cm by 8pm, pushed for 20 minutes and had him at 8:20pm! The pain is temporary and 1000% worth it x
The back pain after is wat killed me. My back was struggling for weeks after birth. Still is almost 4 weeks later
I had all my pain in my back my first labour. It was bloody horrendous. And they kept saying my contractions weren’t close enough together so to stay at home and just take paracetamol and try to sleep 🙄🤣 I had so many drugs when they finally let me go in and I was planning on a drug free birth 🤣🤦🏻♀️
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A tens machine helped a lot as a distraction for sure! I used one in both my labours but it was most helpful in my first where I had back labour. I still went for the wonderful epidural though! Thoroughly recommend! I didn't have any of that with my second though and it was totally fine because the contractions weren't in my back.
Three my labours was all in my bk when contracting the lower bk was a nightmare only thing that help relief it for me was bouncing on a gym ball or just rolling around on it x
I luckily never had back labour but I was worried for a long time that I would and nope, I didn’t need to worry. I feel sorry for everyone that did have it😬
Sounds like back labour, which is a variation on typical labour. It's horrid! I had it with my first due to his position. I took all the pain relief though - it was lovely 😀 I didn't have back labour with my second though so that was great. Super easy in comparison! Not everyone feels their contractions in their back.