I put yes as in yes this is normal.
I’m not quite so sexually driven any more due to body dysmorphia and exhaustion but I’m still very very much 100% attracted to my man still maybe even more so over the last almost 12 years 🥰
@Leanne.E.Ryan I have this exact problem I can’t let loose bc I hateeee my body and low drive.
Depends what you mean. I'm 100% still attracted to my partner. Do I want to have sex though? Totally different story! I'm tired. Don't really feel all that sexy and then I'm breastfeeding so there's a whole slight oddness around boobs and sex at the moment. I mean we've had sex since I've had our LG, but nowhere near the frequency we did before!
I find him attractive but I have absolutely no libido. We have sex every so often and it’s amazing like 95% of the time but the 5% I’m just really not feeling it, but that’s nothing to do with him or his attractiveness. I also breastfeed, and have a VERY clingy 12mo and a very clingy 3yo so every day I’m just feeling very touched out, so sex is the last thing on my mind. It was the same with my eldest, I got my first pp period when he was 15m, and got pregnant the cycle after 😅 so there was 1 or 2 months where I had a sex drive but I also don’t have great pregnancies.
Lol I have 0 sex drive, 0 libido and I don’t find him attractive anymore also 🫠 so I get you Also I’m tired 24/7 and mentally drained
Oh seeing him step up as Dad and him tolerate and support me as much as he does is 100% more attractive to me. Seeing him in his element is sexy AF. And then our date nights when he’s dressed up all fine and sexy and smelling divineeeee, well that’s another type of attraction hahahaha.
I think these are 2 different questions - you can find your partner attractive but not feel the ‘urge’ - it’s so normal to not feel the urge because you’re knackered and stressed with children!
I’m still attracted to my partner but my sex life is still in shambles. It’s pretty normal to have dramatically decreased sex drive for a while after having a baby
I honestly have felt more attracted as I’ve had kids no matter if he got a haircut recently or not I’m 9mo pp I think it also depends how your dynamic is is he treating you well