@Sophy i’ve tried but maybe i should try again. how long did you heat it up for? i wonder if i’ve not done it enough, i’m just so worried about overheating! i’ve just previously put a hot water water down for a few minutes before x
Could you try get them to sleep in their bed. That’s what we do but if he won’t settle then we will rock etc then transfer x
The only thing that gets my LO down is putting a blanket or her teddy that smells like me in with her, she refuses otherwise and it needs to be close to her face so we started putting her bed sheet in bed with me!
@Hannah I ended up buying like a heat pad type thing, just left it for half hour and it warmed it up just enough x
My little one was the same and I was very apprehensive of cosleeping until I was burnt out because of sleep deprivation so I gave in when she was 2 weeks old and we have been cosleeping ever since as it saved me. It was the only way I could get her to sleep and me to get some rest. Check the Lullaby Trust for safe cosleeping guidance. I also follow cosleepy on instagram, she is very good at dismantling the misconceptions and preconceptions about cosleeping. I hope this helps :)
Hi lovely, have you tried getting him to put himself to sleep (self soothing) in the day time? Like for naps? My girl learned to do this and applies similar techniques to get herself to sleep at night if she wakes up.. sucking her hands and turning her head side to side. So I can put her down drowsy and she'll do the rest a lot of the time because we practiced at nap times. Xx
Put a tshirt or something you’ve been wearing over the matress like a sheet so it smells of you In the day time I just accept we contact nap and embrace it when I can (not that easy when you have a 4yo and the baby in question is a twin that isn’t in the same schedule as his brother🙈)
Swaddled, white noise, warmed crib, bum down first, then gently lower head and put my face in baby’s face and then slowly step away 😂
@Georgie would love to learn more about what you did to practise this at nap times and what did you do when / if she cried? Xx
This sounds daft, but I co slept with mine and I’m going through the same thing. I actually cuddle her in her snuz pod lol x
@Sana @Georgie that’s my question too, ive accepted contact naps during the day but so once a day put him down drowsy, but he always just cries and i end up picking him back up, so i have no idea how you do it! 😅
@Becca it’s worse now cos my boy has showed signs of rolling so we’ve taken him out of his swaddle and he’s in his sleep bag. those arms being free really makes it harder 🥲
@Sophy thank you xxx
@Hannah @Sana Apparently if they have contact naps in the day that's then their sleep style so they expect it at night too. I BF until she looks tired (rubbing eyes, eyes at half mast) then I put her in a next to me or moses basket in a dark room with white noise (their day/night confusion should be gone by now so it's ok to use a dark room) and if she's struggling I rock her crib very gently but I leave her grizzle (not cry- grizzle) without disturbing her as it's part of the process, and usually she falls asleep. It may take ages at the beginning but persevering you may get a baby who can get them selves to sleep!
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We practice this at night too because my husband gives a bottle and then she falls asleep or she uses her sleep techniques to sleep and then we transfer her 5/10 minutes later... Again trying to avoid BF to sleep. Sometimes I have to when it doesn't work but it's working 70% of the time at the mo!
Also my girl sleeps in a sleep sack I should add... This helps her having constant access to those hands to suck!! 😂
thank you @Georgie! me and little man have to get practising then! do you also sleep sack for naps or no? xx
No I CBA with the faff of putting her in it all the time! Just keep it for nighttime and in the day she just sleeps in her vest baby grow and cardie xxx
I haven’t read any of the other comments so apologies if I’m banging the same beat .. I started to get my 5 month old to do his day time naps in his own bed from 3 months old … I would put him down half asleep each time and leave him to work out how to sleep without my help .. it wasn’t instant but I never gave up .. he eventually went to sleep on his own, in his own room. I then at 5 months old put him in the cot for his night time sleeps .. the only different was his room was now pitch black, and he was in a swaddle bag xx
Have you tried warming his bed up before you put him in it? The coldness used to startle my girl awake and I'd be in the same cycle as you x