Relax! Babies are so different from Each other! My bff’s baby is only 1 weeks older than mine and they are so different in hitting milestones! As long as you are doing activities like engaging with your baby, tummy time etc you should be fine x
Thank you so much ladies xx
I haven't even looked up what the milestones are! Babies will develop and reach them at their own pace. No need to stress yourself out, just keep enganging, playing, singing etc. and enjoy watching your baby grow and learn x
Babies will hit milestones at different times. It's just a guide. I would speak to the health visitor and ask what are the core milestones to look out for and when to be concerned they haven't been met yet. Like I think sitting unaided is 9 months? I could be wrong though. So if they aren't doing it by then you raise it as a concern. As long as you see progress don't stress.
I was exactly this way with my first! it can be so confusing with so much contradiction online it's a blimmin minefield. Babies hit certain milestones quickly and seem delayed with others, my first was cruising at 7 months but he didn't start walking until he was over a year. You can mention it to your HV if you're super worried, as long as you're playing and engaging with your baby ( which sounds like you are!!) for me it was a lot of stress and energy wasted on something I couldn't control.