We’ve just started this and on our second day I’m really determined to stick at it as my LB wakes for me a few times in the night just to help settle him back off and it’s a killer the tiredness is real! Especially as now they need so much stimulation in the day and wake windows are getting much longer! I do use a dummy to help and give him a muzzy to hold and use as a sort of comforter. Maybe try this? I do take the muzzy away once he’s gone off xxx
Has taken me nearly an hour both nights before he’s gone, but my one doesn’t really cry more of a moan. Only other thing I can suggest is maybe wait a bit longer till your little one is a bit older.. I know my friends little boy was similar and she tried again at 7months and found it much easier xx
Our first few days were hard but now we are starting to reap the rewards. I always gave it 30 mins and then if needed got my little one to sleep however possible to avoid him being massively overtired. I picked up and put down so many times. Try to push through if you can and maybe ensure they have a clean nappy and a little top up feed before you start? They will go to sleep eventually! I followed ruthwattshv on instagram guide. Not really any tips just the promise if gets better
I read a post on Instagram about extending their wake windows a bit so they are more tired, which has helped me, I have white nose, dark room sometimes play some classical music if I am struggling. It worked quite quickly for me once she had cracked being able to fall asleep, but definitely took a while, sometimes hours. I let her fuss but not cry and try and soothe while she stays lying down, I find she likes it when I stroke her stomach. But if she is really upset, I pick her up. It can take a while. We have had a backwards step over the last week because of teething though. I recommend getting day time cracked first and then working on night time. I also find leaving the room has helped as she falls asleep easier if I am not looking at her. I just come back in if she gets upset x
Yes we had exactly this. It became that she started to hate us cuddling her because she knew we were going to put her down which really broke my heart. So we stopped! We also found that she was screaming in our arms and then suddenly fast asleep. So we never really managed to out her down awake up drowsy
We hear you 🥹 I’m with Becky. I don’t agree with any of these methods, they’re not good for their emotional development, their nervous systems and attachment bonding. They can’t self-settle and there’s no psychological safety in these methods, they learn to suppress. Even as adults we can’t self-settle - we suppress our emotions or vent or speak to a friend etc. They’re so young. They need to be made to feel safe. What about trying sling naps to mix it up? They love the motion. Or rock them to sleep and swaddling the arms with a blanket when finally down? Or bounce them to sleep on a gym ball then swaddle the arms?
My LB is 6months and we've only done contact naps but I'm starting to see signs that he might be ready to try independent soonish. At the moment we're at the stage where I pick him up and we close his blinds together and pop his dummy in briefly and he's asleep in literally seconds so I'm hoping I can transfer to cot as he nods off but we'll see how he goes!
Have you tried it for a nap rather than night time? I've been doing it with the first nap of the day and it's starting to take less intervention for him to go off. I'm going to move on to doing it for night time once I move him into his own room and gradually move the last feed slightly earlier
My LO is 6 months and we cannot put him down to sleep. Every nap/sleep is a contact cuddle and he requires a lot of walking and movement. Babies have different temperaments. It’s hard and draining but some need more comfort than others x