So I can’t comment what is right/wrong, but only based on my experience. My little one is 6 weeks old, when he was 3w and only breastfed/express milk fed we done a night of him on formula so I could drink, and it didn’t mess with his feeding, he was fine. We have now this week introduced 1 formula bottle every 1-2 days x
I read this the other day about why babies might not like frozen breast milk. I think mine might be this.
We give our 4 month old a top up of formula most nights when my milk flow gets slow and he gets frustrated at the breast. Hope it works out well for you ☺️
My daughter rejected me BF after a few days of expressed bottle feeding and breast feeding combo. If your gonna do it use a size 0 teat that way baby is sucking super hard using alot of energy to get the milk as they would at breast. And try your best to keep feeding them your breast milk rather than formula as it might mess your feeding up due to formula being more “filling” as it takes longer to digest so baby will feel like they have a fuller belly and it might mess with their digestion and poos ect
Has he tried formula before? If not, I would try it first to see how he takes it. And if you don’t wanna give frozen breast milk, just pump and put some in the fridge and have your mom warm it up. It’s good in the fridge for 4 days