@Jenny honestly have been in contact with a sleep consultant via email and paid quite abit of money and it was a total waste and just gave advice and told me to introduce formula.
Oh bless you, I'm so sorry 😞 that's not the advice you want or need. What about a feeding consultant? Or your HV?
@Jenny I have a app with the hv is 2 weeks hopefully she can help although she has always been crap lol
I've started giving my little one a meal before bed something abut filling along side boob so about half 6 we have something then around half 7 is bath then boob and bed we are only having 3 maybe 4 naps each one around the same gap as yourself. We aren't having full nights but definitely getting some sleep idk if this is any help
Aww fingers crossed you get some help x
I’d say if they’ve been waking every 30 minutes to an hour for months then that’s a red flag for something else going on. Is your baby snoring for example?
My baby’s wake windows are also 2.5 hours. He has 3 naps a day. They vary in length, but if we’re at home and not out and about so he’s not being disturbed, they’re usually about an hour each (this is an estimate because I don’t time them). Sometimes one of them is around 30 minutes, it really depends. He wakes up once for a feed after a 8-10 stretch, then goes back to sleep.
I had to stop feeding to sleep to stop this, what I was finding is my LO had no ability to self settle as I always fed to sleep so when he woke from a sleep cycle approx 45 mins he would wake and need feeding to settle. Once he broke that sleep association he started to link sleep cycles himself and not wake
@Hannah sorry to jump in but how did you stop feeding to sleep? Was it gradual or just stopped one day?
@Kiera I did it gradually, started with moving his feeds earlier in the wake window and then implementing a short bedtime routine to put him to sleep (dark room, sleeping bag, sing the same song and put him down) initially we found we had to do a lot of rocking/patting which was unsustainable and just creating another sleep association so we did a combination of the pick up put down method and a bit of timed crying checks when it go a bit much. He can now be put down awake and falls sleep himself no problem and links cycles. I would recommend to start putting him down awake for the nap/bedtime they are most tired for, for mine this was his first nap of the day
So can't really advise as LO has always been a good sleeper and has slept through the night even when her naps are all over the place. However have you considered speaking to a sleep consultant? Or using a sleep app?