If you have Amazon Prime you can choose 2 free books from a rotating selection.
Kindle unlimited is separate from prime. I’d also recommend a library card and there are a few free apps you can use, Libby and Hoopla are my faves
Prime only comes with the Amazon first read each month. Kendall unlimited has unlimited checkouts maximum 20 at a time but no time limits. Make sure you download the Libby app because you can use your library card to read on that for free.
Thank you.
I don’t think a prime membership comes with any books, only the kindle unlimited. But you’ll find there’s not many popular books available on kindle unlimited - they’re typically books from unknown writers or independent writers. It wasn’t worth the kindle unlimited plan to me because I couldn’t find many books that sounded good. I like to use the Libby app that allows you to borrow kindle books from your library.