Second baby 7lb 1 , born 7lb 10 , first born estimated 9lb 4oz, born 9lb 2oz 💙
Estimated a lot higher than bubba was x
Estimated 7lb 3 and came out 7lb 8oz 🥰
Estimated 7lb 5oz came out 7lb 3oz
Estimated 8lbs 3oz, born 8lbs 1oz
Estimated 8lb, arrived weighing 6lb 9oz! Newborn drowns her😂
Estimated 9lb13 and came out 10lb4 💙
I had a growth scan at 37 and they estimated 7lb 13oz which was 95th centile, born at 39 weighing 8lb 11oz on the 94th centile so pretty close. Straight into up to 1 month sizing
Estimated 6lbs 8oz. Was 5lbs 14oz :)
Estimated weight 9Ib 14oz - Actual weight 10Ib 9oz
Estimated 4lbs 10oz and born 9days later at 4lbs 11oz
Estimated c. 9ln but was 7lb 11oz
Haven't had current baby but pecks was estimated 7lb 2oz and was born 6lbs 4oz
Last pregnancy- Estimated 4lb so was induced- she was 6lb
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
Estimated 97th percentile and when born, he was in the 36th percentile so they got it quite wrong 🙈
Estimated at 8lb 13 at 39+6, she arrived a week later at 9lb 9oz!
Had a growth scan on Friday 20th December, told me baby was weighing around 5lb 12, he was born 4 days later weighing 5lb 9oz x
Estimated 8lb 2oz a week before she was born, came out 7lbs 10oz