I’m no expert either but I would say keep a log of how many oz/mls she’s having throughout the day. If she has gotten enough of her oz throughout the day then I guess it would be ok to drop the dream feed. If you know her weight, there’s calculators online that can calculate how many ozs a baby should be having for their weight. But if she hasn’t then I would still keep the dream feed.
i want to preface this by saying i’m no expert at all so just coming with some regular mum input. if baby is 6m+ i would say absolutely drop the bottle and see how she does! if she’s under 6m i would say either drop the bottle for a night or two and pay attention to her mood in the morning, or delay the morning bottle give or take an hour. either way, she’ll be sure to let you know she’s hungry! with my first born, i bottle fed and would only give her a bottle during the night if she actually woke up for one. i don’t know if that’s much help for you