There is a hellish 8-9 month sleep regression, for us it was the worst one ever. Safe cosleeping may be the option until this rough patch passes
@Alice I think so!
@CeeCee i have definitely tried to co sleep, he is so use to his crib and doesn’t like to be in bed with me unless he’s eating 😅
@Brittany in that case I would trial no carbs and going slower with introducing them as they are really difficult to digest and can cause a lot of discomfort and frequent wakes
I’m going through the exact same thing with my April baby! I’ve tried everything idk what else to do. I’m so extremely tired I absolutely feel your pain girl😅
My Son (April 1st baby) has never slept through the night always got up 3-4 times per night, but since just before Christmas it has been 8-9 times per night, I am absolutely EXHAUSTED, and due back to work next month! I am dreading this 😭😭
Does he take a paci? Does he sleep in his own room? Do you have a partner? Sorry so many questions lol trying to gauge so I can figure out how to help!
@Julia hes never wanted a paci, i have tried. He sleeps in our bedroom in his crib, i do have a partner and we have been taking turns trying to figure out what works for him to get him to sleep were just both struggling.
Did frequent wakes start when starting weaning?