@Janelle thank you for your reply, I’m hoping it’s just normal being only 2 weeks pp and it’ll go back up I’m just anxious about prolapse, I’ve been doing pelvic floor exercises whenever I remember to / am just sitting chilling! 😅
Oh girl I feel your pain, I had the exact same I was so convinced I had prolapsed infact it was all I googled thought or talked about for weeks it completely consumed me. If I put a mirror there it was open and I could see and feel my cervix. In my case I hadn't prolapsed it was normal I got checked multiple times by health visitor and drs. 2 weeks is nothing it will take it's time. I think mine took a good few months I'm 7months after now and actually I thought a few days ago wow I really worried fir no reason. All back to normal. Give it time yourlk be checked at your 6-8 week drs app anyways don't worry just yet xxx
@Nicole Thank you sooo much this has really reassured me haha! I think it’s cause I was starting to feel less sore down there then now suddenly I feel a bit more sore/heavy so was worried! But good to hear your experience and that it’s probs just normal healing and I’ll be fine lol! Xx
I had the same experience. Was never super high before pregnancy (maybe tip of my middle finger) but in the couple months after giving birth it was low, about a knuckle and half - 3cm. Over the first 4-5 months pp it went back up. Now it’s around 6cm high or 2 knuckles. I think it’s normal for it to be low that soon after birth. I did a lot of PF rehab. I think it helped, along with normal healing.