Elective C Section Chat

Can someone please give me any information on what might be brought up next week in terms of risks/or consultant trying to put me off an elective? I have a chat next week re an elective and I don’t want to be surprised about anything that is said. I want to go in there strong minded 🤣
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I have an appointment with a consultant on Friday to discuss results of a recent scan but I am planning on asking for an elective C-Sec while I am there ( hoping they will discuss it with me there and then as 36weeks ) .. just wanting to see what people comment in here 👍

I can only go off my experience - but they were very supportive and just made sure I was aware of the risks (some do sound quite scary!) - but as long as you’ve looked into your options and understand those risks it’s completely your choice and they should support you with that. They also just ask you if you have any questions etc. good luck! X

@Charlotte what are the more scary risks? I’ve tried to research all of them but want to make sure I’m on the right lines! X

My experience was also very positive, they were very supportive and they recommended the C section because I wasnt progressing in labour and I was bleeding pretty heavily. The biggest risks include bleeding and infection, and repeated trauma during recovery if you overdo it. There will be an increased chance that any subsequent pregnancies will also be C sections, especially if you're higher in age or having a high risk pregnancy. You might hear about additional risks for the child, like an increased risk of illness, allergies, obesity, chronic disease, but... those are really hard to determine and in reality, probably astronomically low. I was told this during my education, but I can say in my experience that my kid so far has not been sickly or developmentally behind or any of that nonsense. She's a perfectly normal kid, ahead of the game if anything. I know a few other adults who were c section babies and.. they're fine, overall. Just something you may come across if you're expecting pushback.

They will just go over all the risks and everything and make sure you're aware and consent. They will also probably ask how many kids you plan to have because they don't want people having more than 2-3. My doctors were very supportive because at 36 weeks my son was measuring full term +2 days, and his head was measuring 44 weeks 😬

Bleeding, infection - risks around the spinal block, longer recovery etc! They have to mention anything that’s possible even if the possibility is really small so just keep that in mind! I have to say my recovery was absolutely fine (I know that’s not always the case) and I was at home 24 hours later. X

Do they book it in there and then with you so you know the date leaving the chat or do they give you a date closer to the time over the phone or letter? X

Look up the NICE guidelines for an elective section and the consent form should be there. That will have all the risks the Dr will go over with you. Read up and inform yourself before you go 😊

Bleeding and potentially needing a blood transfusion, infection, damage to other organs in particular your bladder, risk of hysterectomy

Bleeding and how they handle that (biggest risk was hysterectomy if they cannot control bleeding but very rare), spinal not taking and needing general anaesthetic instead, small knicks to bladder/kidney/baby. Risk of subsequent pregnancies adhering to uterine scar. Cant remember what else! Nothing that put me off.

It's not that they're trying to put you off, they have to give you all of the information and risks so you can make an informed decision. Rather than going in strong minded I would go in open minded, listen to all the information and risks then weigh all of that up against the reasons why you want an elective and make an informed, balanced decision.

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