Colostrum/milk baths.

I think I "messed up" was I supposed to give my baby any pumped and frozen colostrum when I brought her home? We don't really do any bottles and when I do it's formula so I can try and build a stash. But she won't really take the formula so I've kind of given up on that unless we are out and I really need to pump. I have about 6-8 oz. She's only 3 weeks old should I be giving that to her? Also I have some milk I left out a little too long that I've frozen for baths. It's about 3 oz and in one package. Do I use the whole 3oz for baths? She hasn't had a bath yet but her belly button is finally healed so I think I'm going to do a bath today can I put it in the bath this early?
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I've been putting waste breast milk in my babies bath since her first ever bath which I did when she was 6 weeks old. I do it every time I put anywhere from 3 to 7oz in. What ever I have as waste (my freezer is full). It's great for skin so you can do it as young as 3 weeks

Provided baby is gaining enough weight there's absolutely no need to supplement feeds with expressed colostrum, formula or anything else. If you choose to do that, it's a choice, not a need. So no, you haven't messed up! If you don't want to give baby the frozen colostrum then you can use it for baths or keep for things like eye infections or cuts/scrapes. You can put it in the bath whenever you want, there's no minimum age or any other requirements

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