I BF my daughter about every 2 hours. I have a decent over supply and would like to keep the over supply up. I try pumping 3 times a day 8a / 12p / 8p. Is that good or should I be pumping more ?
It sounds like you are keeping it up. Breastfeeding every 2 hours plus pumping 3 times sounds like a lot of production. How many ounces are you getting each pump?
@Morgan I get about 7 - 9oz both sides combined each time I pump
Should I pump more or is that enough for her and to keep and supply stocked up
She only gets one bottle at 5am when her dad feeds her while I sleep
It sounds like you are keeping it up. Breastfeeding every 2 hours plus pumping 3 times sounds like a lot of production. How many ounces are you getting each pump?