Well if you haven’t said that you should set the record straight, either she’s trying to see if you’re planning to leave or one of your coworkers is trying to stir up shit
@Emily and like… I am applying 🤣 but I have no desire to admit it since I feel a weird energy at the company And I have been interviewing… but like I said it’s not any special pieces that I’d boast about wearing to an interview.. so I’m like very confused
@Jessica my coworkers have no idea And I am starting a business which I’ve talked about but that’s nothing I’m interviewing for
I do post a lot of job opportunities on LinkedIn… but what does that mean? 🤣
Block her and any colleagues off all your social media including LinkedIn. You never know who you can trust these days. As for your supervisor, Google ‘grey rock method’ and use it on her. So what if you’re applying for jobs? Any decent employer would be more worried about losing staff and call you in for a chat to see how they can help keep you. Sounds like your supervisor is a shit stirrer who is trying to trip you up. Ignore any BS she comes out with. With any luck, you’ll get offered a better job and leave that toxic work environment.
Just lie and say you arent, and only put on interview clothes after work, change in your car or something. Your co workers may have said something so be careful. Sounds like a toxic workplace, everyone is allowed to move jobs but they want to make you feel awkward about it.
@Emily that’s what I’m saying though I don’t have “interview” clothes If I’d wear it to speak or to work or to facilitate then I’d wear it to an interview it wouldn’t be anything special out of my wardrobe
She is just making it up, because its a thing ppl do (wear interview clothes to work because they are off to an interview afterwards)
Are you applying for other jobs on your work computer or during work hours. Someone must have overheard you insinuate something. Hopefully she’s not spiteful and make it difficult for you when you do move to the next job.
@Jasmine no I apply off of my phone and I work mostly remote so it’s not like I’m in the office applying to stuff And when I socialize I talk about my children/travel/live shows I have said I’m starting a business but that’s been talked about for a couple months now and it’s not secret
Maybe she’s getting a different vibe from you that you’re not as invested or something or she sees you’ve had activity on LinkedIn
@Jasmine can you see when people apply for jobs on LinkedIn? I share roles But most of my job applications aren’t through linked in they’re through idealist or blackremoteshe or a listserv
I can’t remember. I’ve been a SAHM for a few years now so idk what LinkedIn is like now. I only remember getting updates if people got new jobs or made new connections. I feel like it would be too invasive if your connections could see every job you applied for. But if your boss is a connection, I would remove her somehow.
I would imagine Linkedin revealing info like that would be against data privacy, but if you are highly active on Linkedin and sharing roles, it would be easy for people to assume you are at least looking around. If you like a post on Linkedin that is shown on your profile
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@Emily in my head it’s a weird assumption that if I like and share a post that I applied to it Lmao why would I share a role I applied to and increase my competition? But right guess i could see the assumption on her behalf… but a weird assumption lmao makes me want to quit more
If you really want to piss her off, start liking articles about toxic bosses 😆
@Emily lmaoooo
Unless she knows the manager of a job you’ve applied for 😂 that’s the only thing I can think of
She could be paranoid and trying to get you to admit something she is assuming to be true