Anyone know what this is?

It’s on the corner of my baby’s lip. Kind of looks like a little blister. I was worried it was a coldsore but he’s not been near anyone recently - or anyone that would kiss him other than me and his dad and we’ve never had a coldsore. I’m wondering if it’s because I gave him pineapple for the first time yesterday?
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Keep an eye on it, could be a cold sore or a reaction to something he ate. I unfortunately got cold sores from my mom when I was a baby and that doesn’t look like mine when they start but they can appear differently. If you start to have bigger concerns a visit to your little ones doctor never hurts❤️.

@Chrisy thank you lovely x

If your LO has chapped lips, pineapple can absolutely cause a blister due to the acidity of pineapple. I'd say keep an eye on it but I don't think it's anything too serious.

@Kristina thank you

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