
Taking our LO swimming for first time this weekend (no idea why we have waiting so long), but I’m in utter confusion as to what he should wear for his nappy. Been looking online and see you can buy disposable swim nappies, but then also see swim nappy covers. Do you use both? Even if they will also be wearing a wetsuit? Sorry for silly question.
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We have disposable nappies as my son has weekly lessons, I should really buy a swim nappy cover. Our pools rules are that babies double up on the swim nappy so he wears 2 x

It's recorded sometimes even pool policy to double up on nappies. We use a reusable swim nappy with a happy nappy over the top and then swimming outfit over the top. Just make sure use a real nappy in the car/pram etc as they don't hold wee in

I just use a reusable nappy from Primark and then costume. They are older now they don’t poop all the time so I thought the disposables were just a waste. She’s too distracted to start pooping in the pool anyway. If we went on holiday and were spending all day by the pool I would probably get disposables for ease xx

The double nappy system is to basically stop poop getting in the pool so you need either a reusable or disposable swim nappy (we always used reusable ones) and then a cover over the top to stop and leaking - happy nappy is the main one but there are other brands about. And yes unless the wetsuit has a nappy as part of it they should wear both underneath a suit.

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