Ms Rachel soft doll

My son loveeees Miss Rachel. He smiles everytime he sees her on the screen We went to Smyths and I spotted a Miss Rachel soft doll and he was smiling and grabbing and family members said thats too “gay” and a boy shouldn’t have a soft doll Especially after 3 people have already asked if my baby was a girl. He does look like a boy 100% so not sure why people got confused What’s your opinions please?
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If he likes it, then it really doesnt care what anyone else things! My daughter gets confused with a boy because she barely has any hair and she likes to play with cars. As long as they are happy, thats what matters 🩷

@Marissa aww thank you so much for this❤️ he loved it I could tell. He doesn’t understand the concept of soft doll or what’s appropriate for a girl or a boy. I am very open minded He was so happy and recognised the soft doll as Miss Rachel and I was so sad when family members told me that and he’s only 14 months

Kids are kids, pure innocent! Im very open minded aswell and just let my daughter play with whatever makes her happy! As long as its safe ofcourse. My parents raised me the same. My brother walked around with a baby doll and i walked around with a football 😂

If they really get on your nerves, tell them your child hasnt told you their gender yet 😂😂

My lb got the ms Rachel doll for Christmas and he loves it, so does my eldest son, don’t listen to their silly little comments 😊

Aww don't let them get to you, Ms Rachel is a godsend 🙌🏼 and why shouldn't your son get enjoyment from her 😊, she's a character at the end of the day, I wouldn't think my daughter was acting too "boyish" for having a Hey Duggee doll or *insert any male children's character* 🤷🏼‍♀️ nothing better than seeing their happy little faces light up ❤️

My little boy also has the Ms Rachel doll and he loves it! Also at nursery I know that all the kids play with the dolls so I wouldn’t listen to them!

Whoever says ‘too gay’, tell them to mind their own business and educate themselves. My son had a ms Rachel doll, as does another little boy same age as him whose mum I met at nct group. How is someone saying a literal child is ‘too gay’ and shouldn’t play with a soft doll? Jesus 😭 And some babies can get confused, people thought I was a boy when I was little because I was bald af. He will grow into his boy features as he gets older

How ridiculous that family members said that, of course he can have a doll. We went to a playgroup today and my little boy's favourite toy was the toy pushchairs 😊.

My boy has a hard baby born doll. If I get any silly comments I tell them it's important for boys to learn emotional intelligence and empathy too. One day he might be a dad. Or a brother or cousin! The real reason is it's a "friend" to sit on another potty next to him and it is anatomically a boy doll haha. He always picks up dolls at playgroup and will give it a hug or set down for nap or pretend to give some of his own water or bottle, sharing is caring.

My boy has the Miss Rachel doll as my friend bought it for his birthday. He loves it and no one has ever said he shouldn’t have a doll. Whatever makes him happy makes me happy ☺️

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