
Growing up we're always told not to compare ourselves to other women on the internet/ in magazines because it's bad for our self esteem and metal health. But it's difficult for first time mums who scroll through TikTok and see other mums collecting jars full of their oversupply, when I can barely pump 2 fluid ounces!! It's super annoying because I don't want to stop giving breast milk yet, but mentally I can't keep up with breastfeeding so I'm trying to pump as much as I can. I'm worried that I'm not providing enough for my little boy. He is also formula fed when his Dad takes over the shift, but I really would like to continue with breast milk. Does anyone have any tips on increasing supply??
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I can’t answer how to increase your supply I’m sorry but I just wanted to comment to please not be so hard on yourself!! I’m a second time mom & this is my second time breastfeeding. With my first, I exclusively pumped for the first 3 months due to tongue tie & latch issues.. I was OBSESSED with pumping & my supply. My first finally latches at 3 months & our journey became easier but then I had oversupply. We managed to breastfeed/pump for just over 1 year & whilst I’m very proud of that.. when I stopped my god I cannot tell you the relief!! I couldnt believe how much breastfeeding & pumping consumed my life & it hazed that first newborn experience for me. As a second time mom I went into this pregnancy with the mindset that if it didn’t work for us, then I’d stop & go to formula. The saying ‘happy mom happy baby’ is completely true. If it isn’t working for you & having any effect in your mental health, really have a think about whether it’s right to continue for you..

Your baby will still thrive from formula & be loved by you, dad, family. You aren’t depriving them & you are still a great mama. This time goes SO quickly 🤍

Stay hydrated and pump more often even if your breasts are empty. It's called dry pumping and tells your body there's more demand than it currently thinks. Skin to skin with your baby is very important as well, it boosted my supply massively. Hakkaa on the opposite breast when feeding helps too. But all that being said it only takes 50ml of breastmilk for them to have the positive effects from it, so a little still goes a long way 😊 Please don't ever sacrifice your mental health for breastfeeding, your baby needs a mentally strong mummy more than they need breastmilk ❤️

I'm also in the same boat my baby was readmitted for weight loss on her 5 day review when I was full time breastfeeding I felt awful, she now gets formula top up when I pump I barely get 20ml but I'll keep going hoping to see it improve over time

I struggled at first and barely got enough to keep up with baby, the only advice I can give is to be persitant, I pumped for 20-30 minutes every 3 hours and still do as well as on for 10 off for 10 for an hour once a day, baby is now 6 weeks old and has had only breastmilk since 2 days old. Its really hard not to compare to others on the internet but don’t give up, the more you pump the more you’ll eventually make but it is hard and it’s draining so don’t put too much pressure on yourself x

You can power pump to increase your supply but, more importantly - don’t ever compare yourself to anyone. Having an oversupply is shitty (I guess there’s less feelings of guilt over it though maybe) - but these people are glorifying something that can actually be super problematic and cause loads of issues and leave you covered in milk all the time and crying into a puddle of milk when you wake up at various points in the night soaked and freezing 😫 Keep it up, you’re doing a great job I’m sure ❤️

These women on IG and tiktok are all over suppliers and don't always seem to appreciate the struggle! Every drop is beneficial, and a fed baby is a happy baby ✨


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