@Laci thank you so much do you have any clue if they will put him on the certificate as that’s my main worry the fact if he’s on there he can take him and police can’t do anything
Are you two married? If not I believe you need to allow him to be on the birth certificate https://www.gov.uk/parental-rights-responsibilities/who-has-parental-responsibility.
If you're not married you automatically have full parental responsibility, and even if he did take you to court, you can present your case as to why he shouldn't get parental responsibility This page has better advice actually https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/family/birth-certificates-and-changing-your-name-s/birth-certificates-s/
He will still be able to take you to court and have a DNA test done to determine if he is the father. If he is they may grant him paternal rights and you'll have to come to an agreement on what's best for your baby (split custody most likely). But he may be bluffing so I'd honestly suggest not putting him on it and hoping he's too lazy to take you to court