Does your baby sleep through the night?

My boy is 20 months and he still wakes up at night, I don’t know how to stop it!? Help!
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Why does he wake up? Is he hungry?

Mine slept 12-13 hours until about 18 months, wed weaned to one sippy cup/bottle of milk before bed but then he got poorly, and since then wakes up between 2-4 times a night, and has been having 3 milks altogether. Currently starting the weaning process again, and I’m stuck on what to do with helping him stay asleep as it’s more of a comfort thing than hunger😩

My girl cries in her sleep A LOT, but thankfully doesn’t fully wake. We go through rough spells where she’ll wake through the night usually because of teething, illness or if she needs a schedule adjustment

Atm my twins, A sleeps through the night consistently for months, B wakes at least once a night for God knows what reason. Big sis who is 3 is also going through a waking every couple of nights and trying to get in my bed stage...

Our little one has just recently started sleeping through frequently but not always. We started using a magnesium spray at bedtime which seemed to help him quite a bit and a week or so later transitioned to a toddler bed and duvet which he seems much happier in than he ever was in a cot.

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