Ferber Method

*just to start, I am not enjoying this, but my baby has always been a high needs baby for sleep so it’s my last resort. 5 month old baby* Couple of questions: - how consistently do you have to do this until your baby stops crying every time? - do I need to introduce it for all naps too for it to work? Currently we do all naps in the car or pram because cot naps are out of the question and she doesn’t contact nap anymore ☹️ - any general advice?? Currently she cry’s immediately, I go in after the suggested time and the moment I leave the cot side she starts crying again. I’m currently sat on the hallway trying not to cry myself as I hate her crying so much, but I truly don’t know how else to get her to go to sleep at bedtime. Nursing to sleep has stopped working too as the second I put her down, she’s reaching for me and crying.
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Hello, is this your first night trying? We started one week ago with our seven month old and it’s made such a huge difference, I actually can’t believe it 🤯 The first night was pretty rough, with the initial resets taking over two hours! However, from then on he has done much bigger stints than before, and we are now starting to see some nights of putting him down without him screaming for us, which has been such a huge relief and change 😩 I’ve been trying to do it for some naps at home, but to be honest, I also get him to nap on the go, contact Power Nap later in the day, sometimes we co sleep his morning nap so I can also get some extra sleep. So napping wise, I’m still doing quite a mixture! But have kept bedtime very consistent Totally with you on it not feeling nice! Especially when they are already crying before you’ve even left them again! ❤️ hopefully it will start to get better!

It’s different for every baby, and can be different every night for a while. The first two nights my son cried a long time. Lots of in and out. The third night he didn’t cry at all just immediately rolled on his side and went to sleep. I was shocked. Nights 4 & 5 crying again but less. Noght 6 a few whines but no real crying. After a week he would fuss for like 1-2 mins and went right to sleep. I started Ferber at 6months with just bedtime and still nursed to sleep for naps. I’d lay on my side while he nursed and then when he fell asleep I’d roll out. Around 9/10 months he stopped nursing to sleep. He would nurse and then get up to play even though he was tired and rubbing his eyes. So one day I just put him in his crib said ok take a nap and left. He cried a bit the first 2 times but then just started going to sleep. The way I did it I would nurse until he was half asleep and attempt to transfer. It’d almost never work, he’d wake up. I’d say ok I love you goodnight and leave.

@Jem I tried it a couple of nights ago but ended up caving because it seemed like she was just getting in a state! I guess I just need to persevere, which is fine but just a difficult adjustment. I did read someone said to play a podcast while you wait for some distraction, so I will try that again tomorrow - I gave up this evening 🤣 Thank you for replying x

I waited 5 then 10 then 15. I didn’t find going in after just 3 mins enough time for him to adjust. It felt like too little time. I also used noise canceling headphones. I also recommend a small lovey or breathable blanket or something that she can use to soothe herself if you’re comfortable. I started with literally stuffing his sleep sack in my bra the last hour before bedtime and a breathable muslin blanket. He’s been sleep trained 14 months now and still rubs his blanket to fall asleep lol. You just gotta stick to it. The first week sucks. But when I tell you he has slept 12hrs through every night since (except when sick) I mean it. We’re both happier bc of it. Good luck🩷

@Korissa This is so reassuring to hear. Thank you! I find when you mention sleep training, everyone just tells you not to do it, but that doesn’t help me, so thank you! I didn’t think to do that for day naps, I guess it’s still teaching her that sleep happens in the bedtime, so I will try the feed and roll away too!! X

I did this with my son when he was 10 months old. I currently have a 4.5month old who has started settling herself by sucking her thumb and fingers - game changer. I completely missed this stage with my son 🤷🏽‍♀️ So maybe something to consider, if you’re not using a dummy, is to encourage her hands to her face to see if she will soothe herself that way x

@Georgie I’m a single mom with no village it’s just me and him 24/7 so I had to do what was best for us and sleep training was it. I would be in a dark hole of depression if i kept waking up every 3 hours raising a person off no sleep with no help. Yes and I enjoyed soaking up the last of the nap time cuddles, cuz once their sleep trained (in my experience) they won’t sleep with you in the room for a while lol. My son is almost 21 months and fell asleep with me on the couch the other day and it was our first nap together in so long 😂 but he cuddles awake with me all day don’t let that scare you lol.

You need to be really consistent how ever hard it is otherwise baby is getting mixed messages - I learnt this through making lots of mistakes myself! Once you can be consistent baby will pick up what you’re asking of them. It took around 2 weeks I think for my little one to stop breaking my heart and it was horrible but she’s now a great independent sleeper. I done naps and bed at the same time. I was told to start with the first nap of the day as they still have sleep pressure from the night and this worked great! Once they have mastered one nap move onto the next and so on.

ALSO just want to add that babies cry and that’s ok. People will say the sleep training will make your baby think you won’t come when they need you. Thats wrong. My son cries for me still all the time. He just had a fever and when he woke at 3am needing comfort and medicine he cried for me just fine. He hurts himself he cries and comes to me. He needs help opening something he will come to me. They say it will make the detached. Wrong. He is VERY attached constantly cuddling and following me. 🩷

Mine too around a week to 10 days. Yes it needs to be majority of naps and bedtime sleep of course sometimes you will be out so pram naps and car naps will happen. Add pick up put down in that way a small rock for 30-60 seconds before putting her back down may help this is what I done with my boy. Also if you have someone else there get them to do the checks, if my mum or dad go in he doesn’t seem to react as much as when it’s me especially if you’re breastfeeding as he will smell your milk! Keep it up you’ve got this! X

Following, so if baby wakes up at 2am for example first couple of nights, let him cry for a bit as well? Or just the initial let down?

We got day 5 and worked brilliant going to sleep on own before check in however had to stop as my little boy got very ill (in hospital) needed lot of cuddles and settling but once he back to 100 percent for few days we will restart. We were just doing it at night time

@Yyeli yes try and let him settle himself, if you have to go in try to resist feeding if not necessary. If you have to feed, try to not again the next night. Dropping that night feed is crucial to sleeping through. I gave my son a straw cup with water for in his crib (he never took bottles).

@Georgie sorry I didn’t see this last night! It’s so hard isn’t it, that crying can feel unbearable! I didn’t help myself the first night we did it, as I was home alone and sat in a room underneath the nursery, as well as constantly looking at the baby monitor! You just want to pick them up so badly and give them a cuddle! A podcast is a good idea! I must admit, I didn’t think it would have such an impact on our baby boys so quickly, that seeing the change did spur us on to continue with it I hope it goes okay if you give it another go!

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