This is my second pregnancy with GD and already drinking the tea. Drank it last pregnancy too and I am sure I brought it up to my doctor last time and it wasn't a problem. Can't speak for ceserean births though
@Natasha for sure better to be safe😇
@Cara interesting, maybe everything you read online isn't true 😅 that's good though, so I don't need to be concerned about one of the two x
I’ve been drinking it and have had a previous c section my doula and midwife recommended it because of its benefits for birth! (I’m also doing a vbac this time around)
@Emily I'm in the exact same boat as you then!! Thanks for sharing, I guess I won't have to return it then👍🏼
I have GD and seen that it's not recommended if you're on medication or insulin to control your blood sugars but fine if diet controlled. Not sure about following a csection though
@Hannah I haven't started yet, I've got a meeting with a consultant hopefully find out if I do have GD or not. 😪
This is interesting! I have GD and didn't even think about checking. I've already got some in my cupboard 🫣 I shall be doing a little research now though 🤣