Yes! I’ve had it for ages and had a dismissive midwife. She referred me though to physio after a few times of mentioning it but I wont see them until March. The last two weeks (I’m now at almost 27) I struggle to lift my leg to get up from sitting. My cousin had it and she suggested plastic bags on the car seat to help you swivel in and out, pregnancy belt and pillow!
I had it through pregnancy and sadly still have it now (it goes away after birth for most!). I had physio in pregnancy and hydrotherapy after but mostly just kept up with gentle walking which did help!
Had it from 16 weeks until birth at one point I couldn’t get out of bed for 2 days but it went immediately after I gave birth ! I had physio didn’t find it that helpful , just rest and try some walking i found being too still made it worse but too much movement also so had to find the right balance . X
Oh my god it’s awful. The best thing I did for myself was invest in seeing somebody who specialised in woman’s pelvic and core health, yoga, reformer Pilates and pregnancy. So no idea what her job title was but I used to go see her on a Friday after work, we’d do gentle exercises and if it wasn’t for her then I’d be bed bound by the weekend. So if you could try find somebody with a similar set up I’d really recommend doing that.x
I had it from 21weeks and I was on crutches from week 24. I was unable to move much or sleep or sit comfortably without pain. As soon as I gave birth though it went! It was a long time 15 weeks with it but I found ways to adapt
I had it from 32 weeks until I gave birth and was on crutches. I went to chiropractor but it didn’t do much, birthing ball helped and certain exercises and basically do not open your legs, try keep them together when walking and getting out of bed x
I had it from 27 ish weeks till I gave birth, the only thing that helped was diyhocodiene!🥲and going in a swimming pool, it just help relieve pressure x