
My 3 week old has started to cry every hour after having formula. The cry has got more intense and he seems more calm after having a poo or passing wind. However today he has been inconsolable at points throughout the day leading to constant tears on his end and mine! I don’t know whether it’s a build up of trapped with or whether it could be reflux! But he doesn’t spit up! Has a confirmed tongue tie as well to top things off. SOS and help a new mom out please and thank you 😭
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Bless his heart, he's probably full of wind. Are you burping after each ounce? And look into side feeding it helps prevent stuck gas in the stomach. Some belly massages and keeping him in an upright position for 30 minutes after feeding should help too xx

Sounds like trapped lower wind to me loads of bicycle legs moving legsand hips in circular movements tummy time etc after feeds. Infacol and gripe water made our boy worse been using kendamil probiotic seems to be helping xx

If he calms after poo or passing wind, it will most likely be just that. Wind issues is super common in babies and something they have to ‘learn’ but we can help them on the way. Google ways of helping a baby with trapped wind for ideas but off the top of my head you can do bicycle legs, massage, holding upright for 30mins after a feed, tummy time can help as its pressure on the stomache but can also cause spit up… we use Infacol with my girls feeds as it helps bring wind up easier. Just make sure you wind her regularly and well throughout and after every feed. Also - tongue tie is notorious for them taking in more air as the seal isn’t usually very good when feeding which leads to trapped wind pain

I’ve been burping him halfway through his bottle but I’ll try from every ounce from now on! Will definitely try your other tips as well thank you! Xx

I recommend following fox and the moon holistic sleep coach on instagram if you’re on, she has great videos and information around tongue tie, feeding etc. Getting tongue tie released would be great if you can get to a clinic while he’s young enough to have the procedure because that can affect his latch so he’s swallowing more air when feeding. Soeak to your HV, they may be able to refer you to a clinic 🤞🏻also if you’re in a position financially a cranial osteopath may help release any tension they may have. Sending you lots of love xx

My baby did this (breastfed) for a little while, and it was hard work but I promise it does improve! I’d get their tongue tie dealt with as soon as possible, even though it sounds horrible, it’s so quick and they recover so quickly even if they cry. My partner worried about getting it done but it was very quick and so much better. I’d highly recommend infacol. I would travel with a bottle and keep one at home. It’s not an instant fix, but it helps calm the belly and it also distracts them from crying because it has a nice orange flavour. Try holding them in a squat position, whenever they’ve eaten or started crying. If you put your knees up, face them to you, and squat them down so their knees are up. If you ever get overwhelmed, please message me as I struggled with this for a little while, and the crying will get you down. I am hear to tell you, it does get better (first mum, 5 month old now) but the tummy ache cry will feel like the worst thing. Take breaks if it gets too much xxx

Also - colic is probably playing a little part, which is basically code word for crying a lot… helpful I know… but if you ever think the crying is concerning you, call 111. I did twice, and even though it all turned out to be fine and tummy ache, they will help you check for any issues and it will put your mind at rest (not to scare you at all, just don’t worry on your own) xx

Could it be a dairy allergy? Are there any other symptoms like a rash or mucus in his poo? My baby was the same and suffered with colic and CMPA. He could never finish a bottle, but Dr Browns bottles literally changed our life, with infacol; and of course changing the to a hydrolysed formula x

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