Nappy rash

Hello! My baby got a nappy rash since one week ago, which doesn’t looks good, we’re going through a cream treatment but I’m thinking to change her nappies for a new one brand; any recommendations? Usually we’re using Pampers… Thanks!
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We’ve always swore by aldi nappies. But weve changed to Sainsbury’s as they don’t seem to rub, as the aldi ones brought our daughter out in and rash x

@Lisa @Lisa I’ll have a look at them! Thanks! 😊

We use pampers. I think if you have weaned them some foods like tomato can cause nappy rash as causes their poo to be acidic

Have you changed anything recently? We changed my LOs wipes and didn't even think about it but she came out in a really bad rash. As soon as we stopped using them it went away

@Catherine that’s interesting! I wasn’t aware about it! Good to know because she loves tomato! 😅

Pampers give my daughter a rash. We changed to Sainsbury’s and sometimes use Morrisons. Hope the rash clears up soon 🙂

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