@Jessica does it look similar? zzz
Shuddering attacks , my little girl did this for about 3 months and outgrew it. I recorded it and showed the GP.. It doesn’t require any treatment, neither is it harmful to them but I’d prob just get it checked out, usually they can check with an EEG which is what they did with my daughter I did search TikTok for shuddering attacks , apparently it’s more common than I thought
@M.H do you think she needs to be seen or is a phase? xxx
My son did this a lot, especially in the bath. At first I was panicked and reached out to gp who dismissed it pretty quick and told me I was being paranoid and he was perfectly healthy. A month or so later he was in hospital with something entirely unrelated (just to ease your mind before you panic haha!) and he did it in the hospital. I was in for the fact he was very purple all the time and was worried he wasn’t getting enough oxygen and it ended up being that he has Raynaud’s and his shivering/shuddering was his body’s response to the onset of feeling the change in temperatures! He’s not needed any medication and he’s slowly doing it less as he grows but is still very purple when cold so he is usually wrapped up a lot more than any other child 😅😂 but it may be something simple like this? He’s otherwise a healthy little boy xx
@Courtney she goes blotchy when she’s cold, is it dangerous or need any medical attention? xx
My first baby used to do this and I convinced myself it was ‘infantile spasms’ (thanks google) and was so upset, but she completely grew out of it by age 1! If there’s no other concerns then try not to worry about it x
@Charlotte can’t hurt to show this to her GP but I was told it’s a phase
@Charlotte no it’s more of a head wobble
My little girl shivers when she does a wee or when she doesn’t like something
@Stephanie it’s totally random she’s fine otherwise it just scares me xxx
My little girl does this but a little more aggressively, just a little random quirk and doesn’t need treatment, she’s slowly growing out of it now x
@Ellisha how old is ur little girl? and she was born with a innocent heart murmur and still not gone and she’s 10 1/2 months so I get worried that maybe she can be blocky (cold) and it’s her heart xxx
She’s just about to be 11 months xx
My baby shivers when he does a wee