@Victoria Aguilar . It is not easy to say the least! She is my first! She is an easy baby just doing it all myself is the hardest part. The transition from being home with her to work was also tough! We are all doing great!
@Helaina thank you! & yes PPD was hard my whole family & ex bypassed the whole thing like you’re fine & gaslit myself into thinking it was nothing! I’m so glad that it is talked about & there is help out there!
@Hokulani im so sorry! But you got it mama! If I can do 4 (last 2 are 2u2) you can do it i believe in you!!<3
I have PPD and anxiety, it’s been so hard and I never imagined it could be this way. I feel so guilty for not enjoying this time. My baby is so unhappy most of the time and I feel traumatized by the crying 😭
@Katie i feel you mama! I didn’t expect PPD to be this bad especially its depression when you have a baby relying on you for everything so you have to get up & go be a mommy when you don’t even want to get out of bed! if you ever need to talk shoot me a text mama!
You are doing great Mama! I struggled with PPD while I had all the help. Although I didn’t think that it will hit me but it did. Shoot me a text if you need to talk.
PPD is kicking my but and it’s only been a week😢.
@Victoria Aguilar mine has silent reflux too! He had surgery on his esophagus so it could be much worse but it’s still so hard sometimes seeing him in pain!
Definitely been dealing with the sundown scaries… anxiety kicks in every afternoon.
@Danielle just got told yesterday was in and out the Dr's for the last 2-3 weeks they 1st said it was her lactose fomula so switched her to simulac alimentum that made her throw up the most she ever had since being born so then they said to switch back i did to her original similac sensitive that makes her bloated i was giving her 6oz bc that was what she could handle but then randomly 6oz wasn't good anymore so I cut back to 4oz and feeding her more often on the sensitive told the dr yesterday they said that it's silent reflux and so today I have to get her elecare to see if that helps any and get her reflux medication im praying these help her in some way bc im surviving off of less than 4 hours of sleep a night this is all new to me I never had a baby with reflux before
@Victoria Aguilar ugh yeah it’s definitely trial and error. We were feeding every four hours and we swapped to smaller feedings every three hours. We work burps out of him like it’s a job and hold him up for 20-30 min after each feeding. Our doctor also told us to give him his pacifier right after feeding to get him to continue the swallow motion. Hes on an acid blocker too. I hope the meds help you! It is so hard to see the little one in pain 😭
@Danielle it brakes my heart! Saturday I broke down crying bc the sound of her in pain was to much i hate it so much 😔 and my dr didn't give me any tips or anything on how to help her just said it's silent reflux gave me a different fomula to try and send her in some medicine
Currently struggling with ppd and it’s not easy, feeling like I’m not doing enough when I’m constantly on go mode. I have to work all day and my baby boy stays with grandma from 5am till 7pm everyday and I feel horrible not being with him and then feel so exhausted when I am. It’s the tough.
You are doing good Mama! I haven’t started work yet but still feel the same. Always exhausted… I did get my blood work done and found that my iron levels are extremely low and that could impact energy levels. @Karina how many months pp are you?
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I’m about 4 months
i had PPD very bad - still kinda do. you are not alone girl. i really feel for you and if you ever need someone to talk to, i’m here!