Please don’t be offended by this, it’s coming from a good place but please think twice before posting your baby like this in the bath. There are predators everywhere unfortunately & you don’t know who might see it x
@Sophie I appreciate it I was so indecisive to post it but I overthink so much and I needed reassurance like she went though a phase of head bobbing but she’s stopped that now and now it’s this😂🥲 xx
No idea if it's normal or any idea what it is. But my baby use to that too. Completely forgot about it until I saw this video, don't even remember when she stopped 😅. Hope that helps 🤣💕
My boy does a shiver now again sometimes linked to when he’s having needing a poo.
Like someone else mentioned, consider removing the bathtub video. I don't even want to imagine how many child predators apps like these attract :(
My baby stiffens up his whole body randomly or does the little shake its normal according to his doc been doing it since around 8 month and still does it 13 months
Wee shiver? Some babies do this when they wee
@Sophie unfortunately this would have already been shared around now. I don’t see any reason ever that naked babies or children should be posted online. Makes my stomach turn thinking how fast these pictures/videos are taken and passed around. Very sad 😔
Yeah i wouldn’t trust this site esp with nude videos of your babys .. there is alot of wierdos on here and scammers so pls be careful. My 6 month girl has a habit of moving her right leg in a circle an moving her head side to side like shes sayin no i asked the hv was this normal ahe said yes ? Xx
My son used to do this, it used to absolutely terrify me. He grew out of it & is now a happy healthy 3 year old. If you’re really worried or she starts to do it more frequently then check in with the GP/HV ❤️