Is this a normal baby thing?

She’s 10 1/2 months only (only just started this) It’s like a little shiver or natural baby reflex? positive things only! Usually does it in the bath now and again and she did it once coming from outside? but never don’t that one before? don’t know if it’s natural?
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My son used to do this, it used to absolutely terrify me. He grew out of it & is now a happy healthy 3 year old. If you’re really worried or she starts to do it more frequently then check in with the GP/HV ❤️

Please don’t be offended by this, it’s coming from a good place but please think twice before posting your baby like this in the bath. There are predators everywhere unfortunately & you don’t know who might see it x

@Sophie I appreciate it I was so indecisive to post it but I overthink so much and I needed reassurance like she went though a phase of head bobbing but she’s stopped that now and now it’s this😂🥲 xx

No idea if it's normal or any idea what it is. But my baby use to that too. Completely forgot about it until I saw this video, don't even remember when she stopped 😅. Hope that helps 🤣💕

My boy does a shiver now again sometimes linked to when he’s having needing a poo.

Like someone else mentioned, consider removing the bathtub video. I don't even want to imagine how many child predators apps like these attract :(

My baby stiffens up his whole body randomly or does the little shake its normal according to his doc been doing it since around 8 month and still does it 13 months

Wee shiver? Some babies do this when they wee

@Sophie unfortunately this would have already been shared around now. I don’t see any reason ever that naked babies or children should be posted online. Makes my stomach turn thinking how fast these pictures/videos are taken and passed around. Very sad 😔

Yeah i wouldn’t trust this site esp with nude videos of your babys .. there is alot of wierdos on here and scammers so pls be careful. My 6 month girl has a habit of moving her right leg in a circle an moving her head side to side like shes sayin no i asked the hv was this normal ahe said yes ? Xx

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