Passive aggressive

Looking for some advice. Me and husband have been happily married 2 years, have son 23 months and I am 6 months pregnant. We have never been a couple to argue or bicker but ever since having our son I feel I have become this passive aggressive wife. Its almost like I speak to my husband as if he is the inferior parent. I have seeked advice from councillors on this and understand the source comes from anxiety surrounding childs sleep and health. Examples "Son wouldve eaten all his tea if we didnt give him those snacks earlier!" - knowing husband gave him snacks "We shouldve have picked him up from nursery early, we have ruined his routine and now hes upset!" - knowing it was his suggestion to pick up son early "We have completely messed up bedtime tonight, he's overtired and its a mess!" I feel like a horrible horrible person and as soon as I snap out of my grump (usually once child has settled down or asleep) I can see I am being a complete a££hole!!! In the moment I am just in fight or flight and so rude to my husband. He does not deserve this, hes an outstanding parent, probably better - and significantly more patient- than me. Can anyone suggest any tips or advice on how to stop snapping unnecessarily at my poor husband ?
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I have no advice in regards to stopping snapping, but do you apologise when you do snap? My husband and I both say sorry as soon as we know we are in the wrong. So, for example, I would blame my husband for moving something, which may cause an argument, and then I would realise it wasn't him. I would instantly apologise. I know that sounds like an obvious thing. But when we both acknowledge our mistakes and apologise, it makes it so much easier to forgive and forget. I also feel it shows our little one that you admit when you're wrong and apologise. Having a child changes you in so many ways. My patience has definitely changed. Also, remember you're full of hormones, which can affect so many things. X

@Alex I do apologies, but feel it’s happening too frequently and I am going to push him away!

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