Scared to be intimate

Hi all I’m 4 months postpartum and my partner and I still haven’t managed to have sex yet due to me being terrified of having sex. When I had my baby in September I had a third degree tear and had a rough recovery. I know it’s tmi but after having everything stitched up after having my little one I’m struggling to put a tampon in without having discomfort. And having that discomfort with a tampon I’m terrified of what sex will be like. Any advice on how to get over this fear. Thanks
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Lots of foreplay and lots of lube. Open communication with you partner, with clear boundaries. The more ‘relaxed’ you are the better Also, when inserting a tampon it’s not a pleasure act and you will be dry, caused even more by hormones. This is not a true reflection on being intimate with your partner x

Not directly linked to sex, but just general comfort. You can get vaginal moisturiser, which I think can help with scar tissue. Can be used daily. The YES YES brand do one-I think you can get it on amazon. Might be worth considering an appointment with a womens specialist physio, too. They can help you work on discomfort during sex postpartum.

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