I took my sons gender blood test at 11 weeks. And my current baby's gender at 9 weeks. For my son it came back in a week and two days this one came back 2 and a half weeks later. This is after received not after the blood was taken. I think it took 1 to 2 days for them to receive my sample.
I’ve used it twice - once at 7 weeks in winter 2022 and again at 6 weeks last December. Both were correct! The first time I received the result the next day and the more recent time I mailed on a Saturday and received the result the following Tuesday. However, I noticed I’m in the same city as the lab so it arrived quickly. I think the biggest source of error is contamination. I was super careful, deep cleaned beforehand, and used gloves. Otherwise, I think it’s highly accurate. Let us know how it goes!
I used Peekaboo at 6w6d. I sent on a Friday and got the results on Monday. The results were accurate
@Emma you can get your money back for the late times I was just talking to a rep about it if it's not back in 2-4 business days monday- Saturday you get your money back guaranteed
@Brianna Cunningham the rep said I get my money back guaranteed if wrong on this one after baby's born
@Cass I will I'm so freaking excited
@Kate Carroll i was told it would take a week i live farther away from the test lab
I did the regular shipping and my package was lost for 8 days so I bought the fast track. Got my results the next day, and funny enough, the other package made its way there the same day and was resulted the next day. Both results matched up. I did it with my previous child, and the results were also correct. I had waited 4 days on that one.
I did mine at 6 weeks, was inconclusive did. It again, took about 2 weeks to get to me the results and it said boy but my NIPT said girl and ultrasound shows girl. So it was wrong for me. My last two babies it was accurate tho
Hi! We used Peakaboo and they were accurate! We tested at 7 weeks! My genetic text just came back to confirm the gender! I have seen some posts about Sneak Peak being wrong, but I think the chances are slim. It only took a day to get the results back