Noor means light. Beautiful name 😍
Someone been watching night agent 😂
@Emma I haven’t lol I have no idea what that is 🤣
my husband has a friend named noor and he's arab
I know so many women named Noor/Nour. It’s such a beautiful name X
That’s my baby’s name 🥹🥹
My cousin is a Noor. Cute name
Very common Arabic name. It’s nice it means light.
@Rema I knowwwww my kids are Naaz and Taj my partner said no more one syllable names 🤣 I think it would go so well with Naaz and Taj though
@Asha cute names 🙏🏼
Night Agent fan? Haha 😅
@Andrea no 😭 idea what that is
@Asha show on Netflix.. one of the girls is called Noor in the new season that came out recently 😅
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@Andrea oh no lol just by the title it doesn’t sound like something I’d watch it’s just a name I’m fond of that means light
@Asha it's like an FBI/secret service/police type show! Ahh nice meaning
@Andrea lol that’s what I assumed… totally not up my alley 🤣
Noor is a beautiful name.