@Kimberly Aww Kimberly, I remember those days. Y’all will definitely be okay, the beginning definitely feels like the hardest. What’s been a big struggle for you? And time is a thief, my little one is 14 months and I wish time would slow down. 🥲
My life is just 180d. All I’ve ever known is going to work. We spent the past nine months hustling to be ready for our little guy and for me to be a stay at home mom. And with spontaneous baby. POOF. it was all gone. I hate change. I guess thats the hardest part.
That sounds incredible. 14 months of a new special love.
@Kimberly Omg I can relate to this 100%. I’ve been working since I graduated high school, I’m so used to having my own. And now, I’m still a stay at home mom. I got comfortable with it, and I love it now. My life is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Right now it’s going to be an adjustment for you but just trust God, you’ll make it through.
Thank you for that. God has a plan. 😮💨
@Kimberly You’re welcome. I’m always here if you need to chat, I felt so lonely when I first I had my baby so I definitely get how you feel.
That’s amazing to hear. Breath of fresh air. Thank you. I hope you’re doing well and thriving with your little one.
@Kimberly doing my best, thank you 🩷
How are you doing in your own identity? Outside of mom life.
I started working at around age 11 until I was 23 then decided I wanted to be own boss, ran a few businesses small ones made enough to pay bills but not lots. Then had baby at 36 and planning working from home online, publishing book, podcasting, cooking show and more, around my son who is now 2, can't believe years fly this fast, I feel tired but very happy to be a mother. My son has never slept well, I've been up every hour with him since he was born, we Co sleep and he still feeds. Next week he will go in his own room and I feel emotional about him not being my teddy bear in bed anymore. I feel like he could come out his room and get upto all sorts. I think he will most likely be in our room every hour still and me walking him back to his and trying to make him understand, I feel tears will be flowing from both of us 🥲 I think when he isn't feeding on me I'll be a period relatable mess,partner has been warned 🤣
Wow! What a full life you’re leading. I hope your next sleep journey goes well. And maybe the change helps you in your own sleep.
Hey hun, mentally exhausted BUT GOD is in full control. Learning to leave my worries at his feet.
Yes. Let’s talk
@Telia Amen to this!
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@Nikki message me 🩷
I am scared out of my mind. Baby almost a week old. So emotional or hormonal I supposed. Just want to know we gonna make it out okay. But also enjoy how little he is. I know time is a thief. 😭😖