Thank you! I’m 37+4 at the moment so a little way to go just want to be prepared!
Mine didn’t soak through last time but they had gone! I’d put a pad in and go get swabbed at triage if you’re unsure, if they have gone you’re on the clock as over 24/48 hours there’s a higher infection risk which isn’t worth playing with xx
@Madeleine sorry I know this is TMI but how much water did you lose do you think? Like a teaspoon? A shot glass? Yes I will thank you! x
Mine went two days ago and literally just a trickle which made me think I’d wet myself. Completely clear and no smell though. It then got more frequent throughout today and I’ve just been to triage to find out that actually was my waters. No sign of contractions yet. They took bloods and did lots of monitoring. They pushed for an induction but as the risk of infection is only at 3% I’ve decided to come home and go back tomorrow in the hope I can get things moving myself. I really don’t want an induction! I’m 38 weeks exactly…
@Diane so you had a trickle, put a pad on and it continued throughout the day? Wishing you luck things progress naturally 🤞🏼 x
It’s really hard to say but it wasn’t loads and didn’t fill a pad immediately! It was 11pm and I was in bed but it was clear and noticeably not urine/discharge. I didn’t actually go triage until 3am because I wanted to try and rest but contractions began immediately which was another sign it was them and then obviously I couldn’t rest 😅
Yep exactly that! It got more frequent as the day went on and is still going on now.
When mine went it was a big gush with lots of water, I then put a pad on and sat down, when I stood up it gushed again and the pad was useless, that continued periodically for a couple of hours. I was expecting a trickle after what people say but I was drenched and not prepared 🤣. If you do trickle and are unsure it’s best to ring triage and get checked x
Mine went yesterday. It was a total gush. Could not mistake it for anything other than what it was. Looks like everyone has varying experiences. Genuinely felt like I wet myself but because I couldn’t control it at all, I figured it was my waters bursting
Mine trickled out but it was weird and I did just know. I got out the bath and was trying to get dried but was already having contractions and in pain. Then I got this really sudden urge to pee so started waddling to the toilet.. then just felt it and there was a small amount on the floor with it running down my legs. Mine had blood in it too as I had sepsis so was distinct x
Omg mine was like a water balloon had popped inside and the water literally gushed out. There was no denying it for me but I know it doesn’t happen like that for everyone x
If you think that they may have broken, but aren’t 100% sure, put in a sanitary pad for an hour and it’ll likely be soaked but not always. As gross as it sounds, it also won’t really have any smell, if you smell it and it does have a smell then it’s likely discharge rather than your waters. It’ll also be a pretty consistent trickle if it is your waters, so if you weren’t sure but then have no more leakage, then it likely isn’t. Also, don’t worry if you do mistake it! They don’t mind at all if you go in to be checked and it turns out to be nothing, better safe than sorry! If you think it may have, just ring up and they’ll advise you if they want you to be seen, but likely depending on your gestation they’ll tell you to wait a little while and see if contractions start ❤️